The fourth L is for Literati.
The dictionary defines this word as: "men of letters, the learned class". By the way, we make no claim to be "illuminati" - we are merely the "literati".
For over a decade, one of C4L's slogans has been: "shaking and moving the shakers and movers". In 2017, this led to the creation of its UNEMBEZA Desk. (UNEMBEZA is the Zulu word for "conscience")
C4L now sends out Op-Ed articles to Editors of media platforms, on a regular basis, adding our voice to the "Commentariat" in general. We try to speak from a Christian perspective on the issues.
A sample list of articles that have been run on national platforms is available - click here.
These articles were chosen by Editors from a higher number submitted. It takes, on average, three articles submitted to land one on a media platform. This is called "self-syndication".
Our hope and prayer is one day to have a syndicated Column. But that comes with a significant level of recognition. Most journalists and media moguls in South Africa are not openly religious. Principled, maybe; religious, no. So we are swimming against the current in that regard.
One recurring theme, but not the only one, is a slogan that C4L has often used:"Performance - without integrity - is not enough".
In other words, it is important to acquire the skills and tools of leadership and management, but unless the leader/manager is ETHICAL, these simply enhance the damage that leaders and managers can do through graft and patronage.
Corruption has been all-too-prevalent in NGOs as well as other sectors. Often, the government officials and "tenderpreneurs" worked in "patronage networks". NGOs would be awarded contracts in exchange for lucrative kick-backs.
This has led C4L into the 2 new "Ls" of Lobbying, Literati (and also into much related Litigation!). But we did not include Litigation as one of our 4 Ls. Sometimes it has been inevitable, but there are other ways to approach the challenges - and one of them is to write. To expose. To shame. To call a spade a spade.
C4L Bulletins are still sent out to a mail drop list monthly. If you want to be added to this mailing list, contact us on <>.
The Legacy Project
Precipitated by the Covid lockdown, C4L has begun to consolidate its accumulated learning into books. We have formed a partnership with a local publisher called MBOKODO PUBLISHERS. It is a South African company with inroads to the Book Trade. Here are the eight titles that are now available in either eBook or paperback format from Mbokodo's eShop:
- Orania and Azania (a cautionary tale)
- Opa Waxes Prophetic (a handbook for prophets)
- Opa Waxes Lyrical (an anthology of poetry)
- Let Justice Roll On Like a River (a handbook for activists)
- Rich Man, Poor Woman, Bogyman, Thief (a trilogy of three books about iner-racial marriage)
- The Men Called Undaunted (a "collapseology" handbook for survivors)
- Bones of Contention (tracking apostles from death to relics)
- Da Timothy Code (a hagiography that turns into a critique)
To find out more about these books, please visit the publisher's website on
For these six title, both Univeral Book Codes (for eBooks) and Print-on-demand files are available to the Book Trade.
From Austin Macauley in London
Another new title was being published in 2021:
A Blast from the Past - Codices of the Four-and-Twenty Elders
This story-telling also exhibits the emergence of the biggest organization ever - the church.
In the Pipeline
Another title is languishing in the queue. No conventional publisher will touch it, for the subject is too controversial:
No Lives Left for the Cat (Op-Ed comment on Mpumalanga leadership)
Discarded Diamonds
C4L studiously avoids being "Left" or "Right" or "Centre". Issue #4 of The WeighBridge explains why (see the Lobbying page of this website) - we try to transcend these positions with KINGDONOMICS. For example, we promote Jubilee principles in the Land Reform debate.
However, when submitting articles to the media, we do find that there is a prevailing preference for "Leftist" articles - like Land Reform, Corruption-busting and Renewable Energy. A high proportion of the published articles are along this vein.
By contrast, we feel that the editors of most media platforms tend to evade articles that sound remotely right-of-centre. So you will not find many of these in the list of published articles above. They remain among the 200 or so articles that were declined! Looking at that list of published articles could give you the impression that we are Leftist - when we aren't. (We think that all views should be considered, and a pragmatic and democratic decision should be made about which views to blend together.)
Here then follow some articles that media platforms have declined to publish, which we think reflect the importance of having a balanced portfolio. These are only samples, in case anyone gets the wrong idea about our Left leanings! They might be called a "rejected right"? But our inclination is really toward the Reign of God - which blends all known systems in an un-expected way. For example - imagine using gold to pave the streets of heaven! That tells you something about the surprises we will find there, in terms of our values and priorities!
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